Thousand Oaks Office

Thousand Oaks

Office Address: 101 Hodencamp Road, Suite 212, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Not Pictured

Teo Nguyen

Main Phone Line: (805) 371-6281
Direct Phone Line: (805) 371-6291
Mobile Phone Line: (805) 832-2514
TTY: (805) 371-6295
Fax: (805) 371-6296

Student Services Counselor - QRP

not pictured

Lori Shanks

Main Phone Line: (805) 371-6279
Direct Phone Line: (805) 371-6291
Mobile Phone Line: (805) 832-2514
TTY: (805) 371-6295
Fax: (805) 371-6296

Seth is a native of Southern California. He received a BA in Theater and a master’s in counseling psychology from California Lutheran University. Seth provides DOR Student Services throughout the Conejo Valley homeschool, charter, private and public schools.