San Jose District Office

San Jose DIstrict Office

Office Address: 2160 Lundy Avenue, Suite 115, San Jose, CA 95131

Woman with purple hair wearing red rimmed glasses and whitewashed jean jacket over navy t-shirt

Cynthia Vo

Main Phone Line: (669) 207-0014

Hello, my name is Cynthia Vo. I’m a Service Coordinator for Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) providing Student Services. As a Student Services Coordinator, I work directly with DOR clients aged 16-21 receiving DOR Student Services and support the Student Services Counselor. Our team currently manages the Transition Partnership Program for Fremont Union high school district. We invite students who are interested in receiving DOR Student Services to attend our outreach events or Student Services workshops.

Woman with white hair wearing an orange sweater

Lillian Fillpot

Main Phone Line: (408) 277-1355

Hello, my name is Lillian. I am the Student Services Vocational Counselor at the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) San Jose District Office. My expertise is with transitional age youth with mental health issues, and just joined the San Jose District Office DOR Team. I work primarily with high school and college students ages 16-21. Currently, I will be assisting in the establishment of collaborations in the schools which are part of the San Jose Unified School District.

not pictured

Chelsea Boon

Main Phone Line: (408) 277-1355

Student Services Coordinator